Welcome to Scripture This Ministries!
Formed in 2017 to reach people on social media and online globally.

To knowledge their is no end, and we like many of you have lots of that.  But to do justly walk humbly and love mercy, well not as much. Scripture tells us that mans all is to fear Elohim and to keep His Comandments.  So much of life is like, whats in it for me.  You do you and you have your truth I have mine.  Here we like to Scripture This idea to find out what our maker has to say about all this.  Yah's word says that all the ways of man are evil continually and that Yeshua is the way the Truth and the Life.  Einstine says to do the same thing expecting new results is the definition for insanity. So let's try Elohim's ways since only Elohim is Good!    


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Because of you and people like you we can operate and serve.  People are the reason we serve and people are the reason we can.  Thank you for loving our family and YHVH's Family in Messiah Yeshua.